Friday, March 17, 2006


Strings Rules.

The simplicity of a kindergarten kid in their lyrics, and the philosophy of Plato that seeps through their songs. To compliment, they are fixture on any of my blogging bouts! I have them in the background, and their music provides the oil which lubricates my mental machinery.

This band you know, there is this unheard and by far unnoticed verdance of thoughts and expression in their songs. After Dhaani, they have simply ruined and annihilated the Indian Pop scene, maybe brought about the negative catalysis which in its high time to occur, the industry that once used to be has ceased to exist. With Pakistani bands being "parasitic", according to the frustrated ones, to our market and countering their presence by ranting about the lack of reciprocation from the Pakistani side as well, where our artists are not even allowed to take on a stage. Its even heard that Lata Mangeshkar is not played on their radio, or whatever they have up in the air, perhaps their ATCs double up as RJs due to lack of aircrafts of maybe pilots. But we have hour long dedicated programs on Ghulam Ali, Mehdi Hassan etc etc... But ask yourselves one elementary question, "Does it really matter?" Please people, step out of that sadistic state, so cheaply defended in the name of patriotism. Does it really matter? Is it that Lataji is not a household name there, would not Ghulam Ali be known if that radio program be there? Its nothing but a situation which can be pitied and left. It does pica you when there is such one sidedness to affairs. But lets say they don't deserve good music, atleast they present themselves like that. Screw Them. Short and Sweet cursing, the art of pissing off! I am getting good at it each day.

Music knows no boundaries, the cliched statement deserves a mention. Yes, art is what binds, what relates, elates and belates human emotions. The fervor is carried across natural and manmade boundaries. And as far as Pakistani bands making moolah, every note of their creations deserves it. They are here because people want them to be. Jal, Strings among others are ubiquitous names. And on the part of Pakistani government, they just need to wake up to the 'real word", and that is highly unlikely because Musharraf (hope don't get an ISI agent behind my ass if I messed up with that spelling...) is no Neo, No Mr. Anderson. That's another matter that I would love to play Smith in this case. And the only pill he can take is the antidote to the bio weapons he has in his backyard! Or maybe the loose digestion he has been having after eating too much aboard Indian Airlines!


And the rant shall carry on.

1 comment:

Ravi said...

WOuldnt go that far, but yes, a eutopic possibility