Thursday, March 23, 2006

Du Hast, Du Hast Mich...Don't You????

Me and my equally delinquent friend in Chennai had a long and costly(he was on the dialed end)gibberish over the phone. There were waffles on everything except how both of us are doing. He and me share the most wackiest and disoriented confluence of brains, but dude, love our instinctivity and off handedness.

Tell you what, three bottles of vodka, Brittany Murphy in bed and one hour of crap exchanged between us, all have the same effects over a psyche. But hell it depends on who's at the receiving end. Barring what it is to us, this conversation can be an almost nauseating, can cause acute malaise...Statutory Warning! The sense of accomplishment at still being good at that innate absurdity that is almost primal to us, once drove us to another blunder that "Why don't all these Agencies hire us as using smoke screens to misguide any spies any double agents" Surely we would make a great lunatic dissolutes who give the impression that either the country is feeding its people on stale food or they are simply not being fed! In some 900 seconds, this topic of German came up, and I lamented that, the best way to learn a language is to start with its abuses. This way the boresome tint is defogged, and you find the language interesting, imagine you try to learn simple scentences and always finish them with some swearing word! It is all the more productive, actually! Why doesn't our education minister think about that! The curriculum can be best left to the students then! I have this German Club near my college premises, called the Max Mueller library. I was taunted by one of the more literary people in my batch (you know who you are, girl!) the other day, that I wouldn't even know it exists. This sparks off another epiphany, which is perfectly congruous with my condition here. Because I 'am'...not that bad. So this blog title is a progeny of all that stupidity that is alive online and cramming the speech 'decoders'(a necessity in our case) of perhaps CIA or the Mossad, which will eventually spark off and smoulder (we owe to Uncle Sam!, Uncle Sam needs us!) because if they really do keep a watch on any senseless talk over the phone networks across the world, which may not be that senseless afterall, may be the planning of bombing their own PM's bathroom, ours is an open and shut case!

Now ask yourself, what you just did after you manage to keep yourself interested to reach the end of this 'shit' (Darling, if you are reading this, tell me your phone number, I'll personally give off the Survivor's Trophy to you!), you would gather absolutely nothing except you wasted some of your could-be-better-spent time

Anyways, thanks for bearing.

Du Hast, Du Hast Mich...Dont You???


Rohit said...


M!chelle said...

No I don't Du Hast Mich? But I do like Rammstein!

Vits said...

So I see the two delinquent friends find a way to keep in touch! Good job guys. Try not to lose touch (stretch out across the miles...Mr. Stretch from Fantastic Four style!..)