I have been a distant appreciator, some can say a benefactor of the Indian Cinema. This song-and-dance, the pomp-and-vigor, the drama-and-emotion, this whole camaraderie. These guys have even got Clooney on their sides, who thinks it would be a whole fun thing if ever these guys manage to get more than fifteen theaters in his land. But these maniacs have let me again strain my braincells, or what has remained of it through this incessant pounding of dialogues over the years. If relevant statistics are consulted, Bollywood causes more natural deaths than mineral water and paani-puri vendors throughout this land put together. But of course there is always the chance that you'll trip over the stairs of "the cinema near you" every time you are startled by that shrieking YashRaj films jingle. YashRaj Films and Ventriloquists limited, another booming enterprise, basking under the aegis of brand equity.
I stood witness to one of the latest stallions from their stylized stables, the one synonymous with the advent of biking in India and with numerous guys performing nose-wheeling with their 100cc trinkets each time they stop at a crossing or to pay their toll. It sounds like a gunshot, and leaves you fumbling for answers till the end. What a masterpiece, what a masterpiece (chorus) Bravo YashUncle, the avuncular voice of Bollywood, whatever he and his sons talk over sweets after dinner, we all love to watch and some conscientious critics love to appreciate. He has touched rare chords that resound philosophy to me. It seems he has taken to sensible reading, rather than senile works of senile people read and appreciated by even more senile people. This one has action. This one has drama. This one has three star sons! The fruits of years of shooting and earning underworld contacts. If not the others, Hrithik Roshan stands a fair chance than anybody out there, of warding off any underworld threats. If a sleuth's senses were to be aroused, each one of us is familiar by that overplayed news of his father getting threats, and pat comes the consequence, his marriage. Coming back to his latest fanzine stuff, this flick also has the eternally intellectual sides of human nature, to pardon. And like its prequel, this one also has a cliff, the warring parties reach these cliffs on bikes, there is a fall, there is a slow motion, frame by frame portrayal of the demise of the infallible thief, but he comes back, to be a changed man. And Captain Courageous pardons Sergent Sodomy of all his previous crimes against his budding romance and of course society.
I even performed Coke's mantra of viewing this one with their crisp dispensed drink. But, it did not work. Bravo Coke, Bravo! The way you fooled me. And I knew it all along. All I'll recollect is the designer and plasticized Police dressed and the geometrical patterns that they make in the shooting range on the dummies. And of course the more real chicks all around.
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