Thursday, June 01, 2006

Robert Frost's Parody

This is a humiliating piece of trifle poetry, insolent enough that it may sour diplomacy between the Queen's Knightly concerns and the Indian mental fecundity
Ok check this out..
An abject parody of the miles that Frost was to go before he could sleep, and they said he died in a car crash....
Joking, anyways.

If it ever once would be a possiblility
That an average boorish Indian in Frost's deep dark woods be
Walking for too long, and among all greenry
He would suffice to describe his buffoonery
What would his reactions be?
I guess he would be Saying this to thee,
The Woods may be lonely dark and deep
But I cant find a dense canopy
To exhibit such an embarrasing humanity
To restrain my self from moral larceny
To hell with Frost, I cant care to be
Foolish enough to wet my baggies
For something so immaterial as society
How do the English plant their trees?
It'll be long before I can walk free
And miles to go before I pee
And miles to go before I pee

The R'a'mbunctious Rhymer.

1 comment:

Pranaadhika Sinha Devburman - Bat said...

Foolish enough to wet my baggies
For something so immaterial as society